How To Pray More Effectively

The topic of praying more effectively can be very complex and depending on who you’re talking to, you can easily become overwhelmed and turned off by the whole act altogether. 

Most people feel prayer can be intimidating and get caught up in the eloquence of prayer rather than what they are actually saying.

Some may feel you have to jump through hoops and land in a handstand just for GOD to hear you, but I’m here to let you know, that’s definitely not the case. 

Prayer isn’t just for the elite, it is available to any and every willing soul with an open heart.

So to simplify prayer, use this P.R.A.Y acronym to create a foundation and pattern to praying so you can be filled in your alone time with GOD.

It’s easy to remember and can be used to help children learn how to structure their prayers to GOD as well(so make sure to share).


Before you begin praying and asking GOD for all the things, you should quiet your mind and open your heart to GOD. Here is the time and place to leave the to-do list that you haven’t started and the distractions of social media to the side. As difficult as it may seem, it’s a necessary step to allowing GOD to move in whatever you have going on.

If you find it hard to let go of what’s going on around you and focus on GOD. Go to a quiet place(like your closet), turn on your favorite worship music or even instrumental worship music, and fill your lips with praise for everything GOD has done for you thus far. Thank Him for what He kept you from, and all that He has allowed you to experience despite all the obstacles that were in your way.

“Praise the LORD! Let all that I am praise the LORD.” -Psalm 146:1


It’s time to fess up! The time you lost your temper with the person that cut you off, the time you went left when you know Holy Spirit told you to go right. Any and everything in between, seen and unseen, but don’t worry GOD is not one to hold a grudge and condemn you for missing the mark. He wants you to acknowledge that you aren’t perfect and in your weakness, He can be your strength if you allow Him to come in and do what only He can do.

Repenting isn’t about making you feel bad for messing up, it about turning. Turning away from what you were doing, how you were acting, and choosing another way. GOD’S way.

“Have mercy on me, O God, because of your unfailing love. Because of your great compassion, blot out the stain of my sins. Wash me clean from my guilt. Purify me from my sin.” -Psalm 51:1-2


Acknowledge who GOD is in your life, or who you would like Him to be. GOD has a lot of names, so who are you needing to show up and intercede on your behalf?

Then ask Him for what you need. Whether it be spiritual, physical, financial, or mental, nothing is too big or small. You need peace of mind, ask for it. You need GOD to give you patience with your children, ask for it. You need GOD to reconcile your marriage and bring the romance and passion back, ask for it.

If you don’t know what to say Romans 8:26 reminds us “And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.”

We have an advocate bigger than whatever we’re facing to intercede at any time. 

"Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” -Philippians 4:6


We don’t have all the answers or all the pieces to this puzzle called life, but GOD does. Yield to His will, over your wants. Yield to His promises, over the problems that may be staring you in the face today. Yield to going and being all that He wants you to go and be.

Yielding isn’t easy and it isn’t comfortable. It will take obedience and trust to know that GOD hears you even when He is quiet. 

The beautiful thing about prayer is you can come back anytime, and anywhere. 

Prayer is a conversation, give and take, speak and listen.

Relax you’re talking to your Father(imagine the way you speak to your spouse), don’t be afraid to be vulnerable GOD isn’t the type to gossip, you’re in a safe space.

GOD will meet you right where you are with arms wide open!

“Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD.”- Psalm 27:14

In its simplest form prayer is just a conversation with your Father. He is always waiting and eager to hear from you!

I pray this easy P.R.A.Y method helps you grow in your prayer life and make talking to GOD less awkward!


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