5 Encouraging Bible Verses For Overwhelmed Moms

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 Hey mama, how are you?


(Did someone ask you that today?!? If not, I am.)


You’re probably not feeling your best, but I hope that all changes by the end of this post.


If you’re feeling lonely, overwhelmed, tired, and discouraged, this post is filled with encouraging bible verses for new moms, busy moms, and even stressed moms.


Motherhood can be a roller coaster that never seems to stop.


 One minute you are having fun, both hands in the air, then the next minute you are holding on for dear life, hoping the ride will slow down just a little before you lose your coffee (because let’s be honest we don’t have much time for breakfast or we have to share it with tiny humans).


We have all been there at one point or another in our journey through motherhood.


So Mama, first know, you are not alone.


It’s hard work trying to keep everything together mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.


There is a mama out there right now, feeling the exact same way you are.


But there is a cure for all those emotions you may be feeling right now.




Yes, there is something that you can consume to help you sort through those feelings.


What is it???




Many times, more than I would like to count, I feel lost and overwhelmed, like I can’t do anything right.


I feel like I’m being spread too thin with home life, the kids and their homework, and sustaining a happy and healthy marriage.


I know you mamas can relate, you’re behind on laundry, the kids all need something at the exact same time, and you haven’t even changed out of your pajamas (did you just look down? Don’t worry I’m not judging!)


But the point is, that in my own strength could not do it all, I needed to seek GOD.


This Christian mama needed to lean on the strongest foundation I knew, God’s word, and it changed everything for me.


And it can for you too.


When you say these things about yourself remember what GOD says about you.




Being a mom can and will be lonely sometimes, especially if you’re a stay-at-home mom or the first of your friends to become a parent. 


You feel as though no one understands, and you’re in it by yourself (you’re not) but that’s how you feel. 


You can’t just get up and go like you used to. 


The reality you once knew is gone, and you don’t know how to deal with it.




“Don’t love money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.” 

-Hebrews 13:5


So mama when you feel lonely, know that God will never leave you. 


Make the best of this moment, because it is just that, a moment. This season won’t last forever because “this too shall past”.


Continue to seek God and be in his presence, whether that be listening to worship music, journaling, or just a simple prayer at a time you may feel like you’re in this all by yourself.





You feel inadequate like you can’t get anything right.


 You may often even ask yourself “why is this happening to me?” 


“Why isn’t this coming natural to me?” 


“Why is it so easy for her, and not me?”.


 You look at all the “other moms” and feel like you just don’t measure up.






“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” 

-Ephesians 2:10


You have a purpose connected to your life.


 You were handcrafted by the potter, every intricate detail about you serves a purpose.


 No one can be you, better than you, mama.


 Don’t be so hard on yourself.


Your story is not her story, but GOD has good things planned for you. 


Just keep the faith and hold on.





The to-do list has taken on a life of its own. 


There aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish all the tasks you are behind on. 


It’s 7:00 pm and you still don’t know what’s for dinner.


 The baby is crying, the kids are fighting, and you’ve needed to use the bathroom for the past hour, but you can’t get a moment to yourself.





“That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?”

-Matthew 6:25-26


Take a slow deep breath mama. Don’t worry about crossing everything off the to-do list, reevaluate your priorities.


 Know that no matter what mountain or diaper you are facing you are valuable to not only GOD but your family too.


It may not seem like it when you are in the trenches, but remember who your Father is. He cares for you and will make a way.





You have lost track of how many hours you’ve been awake. 


Whether you were up with your newborn, trying to soothe your teething baby, waking up to breastfeed, long story short, you are tired. 


Emotionally, mentally and physically you feel like throwing in the towel. 


But don’t…





“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”

-Philippians 4:13


No matter what the day or night throws at you, know that God will give you the strength to endure what needs to be done for the day.


 Trust in him and remember where your help comes from.





You have lost hope… hope in your skills to mother, hope in not completely losing yourself in motherhood, hope in providing exactly what your child may need mentally or physically.





“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

-Joshua 1:19


God’s word tells you not to be discouraged for a reason. 


God is with you, he gives you strength, he tells you not to worry, he reminds you that you are not alone.


 He is that great Father that takes care of His children (you and I) and He is not going to leave us, even on this roller coaster ride of motherhood.



Make these bible verses daily affirmations over your life.


 No matter how this day may have started for you, GOD can turn it around. 


Give God the opportunity to do what he does and move in your life.


Don’t wait for tomorrow to start, start now!!!


Make it a habit to say what GOD says about us, instead of what we feel about ourselves.


Take a moment and few deep breaths, block out the noise (go hide in the bathroom if you need to) and meditate on these verses.


Let the peace of GOD fall upon you and shift your mindset one verse at a time.



Stick these Bible verses in a location where you frequently get overwhelmed.


Is that place in the kitchen, when it’s time to cook?


In your bedroom, when its time to sleep?


In the nursery?


Surround yourself with what GOD says about you.


Comment what Bible Verses get you through on your toughest days? Share them with the mamas below!!!


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