"Boost Your Design Speed: 15 Canva Keyboard Shortcuts You Need to Know!"

If you’re a beginner content creator or small business owner using Canva, here are some keyboard shortcuts you need to know about to help simplify your workflow and boost productivity.

The Canva platform is a literal goldmine when it comes to creating digital and physical content for your business and in today's fast-paced world of small business ownership, efficiency is key.

With its user-friendly interface and powerhouse features, Canva is a game-changer for designing social media posts, marketing materials, presentations, landing pages, and so much more.

It's the perfect beginner-friendly design platform for small business owners who don’t have the time to learn complex graphic design skills but still want to create scroll-stopping content.

Canva is one business tool that I can confidently say I use daily to run my business and help my clients scale theirs.

To help you streamline your workflow, here are some essential Canva shortcuts to make your design life easier:



One major tip that has helped me save time while designing is mastering Canva keyboard shortcuts. With time these keys have become instinctive to my fingertips while designing on my Mac. These simple-to-remember commands speed up your design process and make editing a breeze.

basic Canva keyboard shortcuts for Mac Keyboards:

Command + C to copy elements quickly to duplicate.

Command + V to paste or replicate designs quickly.

Command + Z to undo mistakes instantly without disrupting your flow.

Command + D to duplicate selected elements with ease.

Command +(literally press the + sign) to zoom in on your design.

Command + (press the - sign) to zoom out of your design.

Command + Return key to add a new page.

Command + I to italicize your text.

Press L to add a line to your design.

Press R to create a rectangle instantly.

Press C to create a circle.

Press T for a text box to instantly appear.

Command + A to select all elements at one time

Command + B Make your text bold

Press / to instantly open the MagicWrite drop-down menu



The drag-and-drop feature allows you to easily move elements around your design by clicking and dragging them to the desired location. So you can quickly rearrange text, images, and other elements without fuss.

To bring an element to the front or send it to the background, click on the element, navigate to the 'positions' tab, and access the 'Arrange or Layers' section to rearrange objects as needed effortlessly.



Take advantage of the countless Canva pre-designed templates from social media graphics to business cards. While some templates are only accessible to Canva Pro users, the free version has quite a few options to choose from to get you started.

These templates can serve as a great starting point for your designs, saving you time and effort which we business owners all seem to struggle with.

When accessing these templates, remember, that you do not have to use every element in the predesigned format for your own graphics.

If you’re feeling adventurous create a custom template of your own to use for brand cohesiveness when posting to platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

A Canva pro design tip is to take a few templates that fit your brand aesthetic, figure out what draws you to them, and use your favorite elements from the different templates to create a custom one of your own.

Creating a set of these will lay the groundwork and streamline your design process in the future because you’ll never truly have to start from scratch when creating content.


Download Free canva social media design Template


If all of that sounds confusing to you and you don’t have the time to create a template of your own, I’ve got you covered.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to level up your social media game without the stress. With this template, you can create stunning posts in minutes, leaving you more time to focus on what you do best - running your business!

No more excuses… embrace the ease and convenience of this done-for-you template.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your social media presence for FREE! 💫

Start posting this week with your FREE premade social media template that you can gain instant access to right now.


So are you ready to increase your workflow productivity with these essential Canva shortcuts?

Let's simplify design and maximize your brand impact with Canva.

Happy designing!


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